Final program
Day 1 June 19, 2023
- 11h00-11h30: WELCOME
- 11h30-12h30: Inaugural I. Retrospective and future of bacteriocins. Prof. Mike Chikindas, Rutgers university, NJ, USA
12h30-14h30: LUNCH and POSTERS SESSION
- 14h30-15h15: Inaugural II. Unforgettable Gram-negative bacteriocins: mechanisms and potential, Prof. Sylvie Rebuffat, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
Session 1. Recent advances in BACTERIOCIN biology (Moderators Dr. Beatriz Martinez & Prof. Eric Biron)
- 15h15-15h45: SUMO-Peptide-Intein expression system as an isolation procedure for bacteriocins, Dr. Marco van Belkum, University of Alberta, Canada
- 15h45-16h15. Engineering of bacteriocins using unnatural amino acids, Prof. Dr. Jaap Broos, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- 17h15-17h45: Multifunction and mechanisms of transport of Enterocin DD14; a two-peptides leaderless bacteriocin, Prof. Djamel Drider, Lille university, France
- 17h45-18h00: Biochemical, structural and functional characterization of Ruminococcins C, a family of bacteriocins as a viable alternative to conventional antibiotics, Dr. Victor Duarte, CEA-Grenoble, France
- 18h00-18h15: Spin the BAC circle”. Split-intein mediated circularization of bacteriocins, Dr. Juan Borrero, Complutense university, Madrid-Spain
- 18h15-18h30: Plant-made bacteriocins for food safety. Dr. Anatoli Giritch, NOMAD Bioscience GmbH, Halle (Saale), Germany
WINE AND CHEESE from 18h30 to 20h30

Day 2 June 20, 2023
Session 2. Emerging roles of BACTERIOCINS in complex ecosystems and beyond (Moderators Prof. Aurélie Tasiemski and Prof. Djamel Drider)
- 9h00-9h30: Metabolic Burdens and Competitive Benefits of Bacteriocin Production within the Nasal Microbiota, Prof. Dr. Simon Heilbronner, Tübingen university, Germany
- 9h30-10h00: Resistance to Bacteriocins: a nuisance or an opportunity? Dr. Beatriz Martinez, IPLA-CSIC, Asturias, Spain
- 10h00-10h30: Evolution of spectrum in antibiotics and bacteriocins, Dr. Jacob Palmer, Oxford university, UK
- 11h30-11h45: Selective Bacteriocins: A Promising Treatment for Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infections Reveals Insights into Resistant Mutants, Vancomycin Sensitivity, and Cell Wall Alterations, Dr. F. Jaumaux, Université Libre de Bruxelles & Syngulon, Belgium
- 11h45-12h00: Uncovering the predatiome of unmodified bacteriocins in salivarius streptococci, J. Damoczi, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- 12h00-12h15: Directed therapy using the enterocin AS-48 and biomimetic magnetic nanoparticles combined with hyperthermia. Dr. M. Montalbán-López. University of Granada, Spain
- 12h15-12h30: Effective Elimination of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Mouse Keratitis and Lung Colonization Models Using Plant-Produced Pyocins. Dr. Šarūnas Paškevičius Nomads UAB, Lithuania.
12h30-14h30: LUNCH and POSTERS SESSION
Session 3. PhD and post-docs students have talent in BACTERIOCINS (Moderators Dr. Anca Lucau-Danila & Prof. Michael Chikindas)
- 14h30-14h45: Detection of E. faecium using the specific interaction of a bacteriocin EntK1 with its receptor. Thomas F. Oftedal. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
- 14h45-15h00: Characterization of a new family of bacteriocins produced by intestinal microbiota. Liebaut Axelle. Univ Rouen Normandie, France
- 15h00-15h15: The Antifungal Lanthipeptide Pinensin and Naturally Occurring Variants Thereof. Julian D. Hegemann. Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Saarbrücken, Germany
- 15h15-15h30: Deep Eutectic Solvents and their (Bio)medical Potential as a Neoteric Approach for the Treatment for Bacterial Infections. Tomasz Swebocki. Lille university, France
- 15h30-15h45: Lack of PNPase activity in Enterococcus faecalis 14 increases the stability of EntDD14 bacteriocin transcripts. Rabia Ladjouzi. Lille university, France
Session 4. BACTERIOCINS in the One-Health approach (Moderators Dr. Jacob Palmer & Prof. Sylvie Rebuffat)
- 16h45-17h15: Antibiotic resistance, a one health threat, Dr. Philippe Glaser, Pasteur Institute - Paris, France
- 17h15-17h45: Synthesis and pharmacological optimization of bacteriocins for the development of new antimicrobial agents, Prof. Eric Biron, Laval university, Québec, Canada
- 17h45-18h15: Bacteriocins: they are also of interest to virologists, Prof. Didier Hober, Lille university, France
- 18h15-18h30: Bacteriocins and mobilization of a human commensal as a new strategy to inhibit the opportunistic human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, Dr. Johann Mignolet, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Bacteriocin Community Debate & Buffet dinner from 18h30 to 20h30
Moderators: Dr. Philippe Gabant (Syngulon, Belgium) & Prof. Ismail Fliss (Laval University, Québec, Canada)
Day 3 June 21, 2023
Session 5. Current and innovative applications of BACTERIOCINS (Moderators Dr. Françoise Coucheney & Prof. Luis A Nero)
- 8h30-9h00: Nanotechnology: A Valuable Tool for Bacteriocin Formulations, Dr. Rabah Boukherroub, IEMN-CNRS, Lille-France
- 9h00-9h30: Use of bacteriocins and bacteriocin-producing bacteria in active coatings and films, Prof. Dr. Célia Silva, University of the Azores, Portugal
- 9h30-9h45: Versatile use of bacteriocin KvarM: intravenous treatment for K. pneumoniae sepsis or oral treatment for K. pneumoniae gut colonization. Aušra Ražanskienė. Nomads UAB, Lithuania.
- 9h45-10h00:
- Lacticaseicin 30: One of the bacteriocins from Lacticaseibacillus paracasei CNCM I-5369 and Its Engineered Variants Revealed Activity against Gram-Negative Bacteria by Dr. Françoise Coucheney, Université de Lille, France
10h00-11h00: COFFEE
- 11h00-11h15: Selection and characterization of QPS strains as potential protective cultures to increase the shelf life of fresh and minimally processed foods, Garín Nerea, Centro Nacional de Tecnología y Seguridad Alimentaria (CNTA), San Adrián, Navarra, Spain
- 11h15-11h30: Microbiome engineering as a biopreservation approach to reduce Listeria monocytogenes in foods., Dr. Frédéric Borges, Université de Lorraine, France
LUNCH-BAGS & VISIT PASTEUR MUSEUM (LILLE): registrations requested by email bic2023univ-lillefr (The number of places might be limited)